access-VBA编程 第五章 access 表2-小周
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access-VBA编程 第五章 access 表2

发表时间:2009/2/19 8:42:54 评论(0) 浏览(5076)  评论 | 加入收藏 | 复制
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第五章 ACCESS 表2

若要通过在联接结果中包括不匹配的行保留不匹配信息,请使用完整外部联接。Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 提供完整外部联接运算符 FULL OUTER JOIN,不管另一个表是否有匹配的值,此运算符都包括两个表中的所有行。
假设在 city 列上联接 authors 表和 publishers 表。结果只显示在出版商所在城市居住的作者(本例中为 Abraham Bennet 和 Cheryl Carson)。SQL-92 FULL OUTER JOIN 运算符指明:不管表中是否有匹配的数据,结果将包括两个表中的所有行。
若要在结果中包括所有作者和出版商,而不管城市中是否有出版商或者出版商是否住在同一个城市,请使用完整外部联接。下面是 Transact-SQL 完整外部联接的查询和结果:
USE pubs
Select a.au_fname, a.au_lname, p.pub_name
FROM authors a FULL OUTER JOIN publishers p
ON =
orDER BY p.pub_name ASC, a.au_lname ASC, a.au_fname ASC
au_fname au_lname pub_name
-------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------
Reginald Blotchet-Halls NULL
Michel DeFrance NULL
Innes del Castillo NULL
Ann Dull NULL
Marjorie Green NULL
Morningstar Greene NULL
Burt Gringlesby NULL
Sheryl Hunter NULL
Livia Karsen NULL
Charlene Locksley NULL
Stearns MacFeather NULL
Heather McBadden NULL
Michael O'Leary NULL
Sylvia Panteley NULL
Albert Ringer NULL
Anne Ringer NULL
Meander Smith NULL

Dean Straight NULL
Dirk Stringer NULL
Johnson White NULL
Akiko Yokomoto NULL
Abraham Bennet Algodata Infosystems
Cheryl Carson Algodata Infosystems
NULL NULL Binnet & Hardley
NULL NULL Five Lakes Publishing
NULL NULL Lucerne Publishing
NULL NULL New Moon Books
NULL NULL Ramona Publishers
NULL NULL Scootney Books
(30 row(s) affected)
Private Function CCh(N1) As String
Select Case N1
Case 0
CCh = "零"
Case 1
CCh = "壹"
Case 2
CCh = "贰"
Case 3
CCh = "叁"
Case 4
CCh = "肆"
Case 5
CCh = "伍"
Case 6
CCh = "陆"
Case 7
CCh = "柒"
Case 8
CCh = "捌"
Case 9
CCh = "玖"
End Select
End Function
'名称: ChMoney
'得到数字 N1 的汉字大写
'最大为 千万位
'O 返回 ""
Public Function ChMoney(N1) As String
Dim tMoney As String
Dim lMoney As String
Dim tn '小数位置

Dim s1 As String '临时STRING 小数部分
Dim s2 As String '1000 以内
Dim s3 As String '10000
If N1 = 0 Then
ChMoney = " "
Exit Function
End If
If N1 < 0 Then
ChMoney = "负" + ChMoney(Abs(N1))
Exit Function
End If
tMoney = Trim(Str(N1))
tn = InStr(tMoney, ".") '小数位置
s1 = ""
If tn <> 0 Then
ST1 = Right(tMoney, Len(tMoney) - tn)
If ST1 <> "" Then
t1 = Left(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Right(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If t1 <> "0" Then
s1 = s1 + CCh(Val(t1)) + "角"
End If
If ST1 <> "" Then
t1 = Left(ST1, 1)
s1 = s1 + CCh(Val(t1)) + "分"
End If
End If
ST1 = Left(tMoney, tn - 1)
ST1 = tMoney
End If
s2 = ""
If ST1 <> "" Then
t1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
s2 = CCh(Val(t1)) + s2
End If
If ST1 <> "" Then
t1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If t1 <> "0" Then
s2 = CCh(Val(t1)) + "拾" + s2
If Left(s2, 1) <> "零" Then s2 = "零" + s2
End If
End If
If ST1 <> "" Then
t1 = Right(ST1, 1)

ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If t1 <> "0" Then
s2 = CCh(Val(t1)) + "佰" + s2
If Left(s2, 1) <> "零" Then s2 = "零" + s2
End If
End If
If ST1 <> "" Then
t1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If t1 <> "0" Then
s2 = CCh(Val(t1)) + "仟" + s2
If Left(s2, 1) <> "零" Then s2 = "零" + s2
End If
End If
s3 = ""
If ST1 <> "" Then
t1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
s3 = CCh(Val(t1)) + s3
End If
If ST1 <> "" Then
t1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If t1 <> "0" Then
s3 = CCh(Val(t1)) + "拾" + s3
If Left(s3, 1) <> "零" Then s3 = "零" + s3
End If
End If
If ST1 <> "" Then
t1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If t1 <> "0" Then
s3 = CCh(Val(t1)) + "佰" + s3
If Left(s3, 1) <> "零" Then s3 = "零" + s3
End If
End If
If ST1 <> "" Then
t1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If t1 <> "0" Then
s3 = CCh(Val(t1)) + "仟" + s3
End If
End If
If Right(s2, 1) = "零" Then s2 = Left(s2, Len(s2) - 1)

If Len(s3) > 0 Then
If Right(s3, 1) = "零" Then s3 = Left(s3, Len(s3) - 1)
s3 = s3 & "万"
End If
ChMoney = IIf(s3 & s2 = "", s1, s3 & s2 & "元" & s1)
End Function
Private Function Num2Char(ByVal i As Integer) As String
If i >= 0 And i <= 9 Then
Num2Char = Mid$("零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖", i + 1, 1)
Num2Char = ""
End If
End Function
Private Function Num2RMB(ByVal sFourBitString As String, Optional _
ByVal sUnit As String = "元", Optional ByVal bMustHeader As _
Boolean = False) As String
Dim vNum, i, RX, BR, hdr
BR = "仟佰拾元"
vNum = Trim(Str(Val(sFourBitString))) ' 最多四位
If (Len(vNum) < 4 And Len(vNum) > 0) And bMustHeader Then hdr = "零" _
Else hdr = ""
RX = ""
Do While Len(vNum) > 0
i = Right(vNum, 1)
If i > 0 Then
RX = Num2Char(i) + Right(BR, 1) + RX
If Left(RX, 1) <> "零" Then RX = "零" + RX
End If
vNum = Left(vNum, Len(vNum) - 1)
BR = Left(BR, Len(BR) - 1)
RX = Left(RX, Len(RX) - 1)
If Right(RX, 1) = "零" Then ' 去除多余的零
RX = Left(RX, Len(RX) - 1)
End If
If Len(RX) > 0 Then
Num2RMB = hdr + RX + sUnit
Num2RMB = RX + IIf(sUnit = "元", "元", "")
End If

End Function
Function GetDXJE(ByVal num As Currency) As String ' 得到大写金额
Dim vNum, vDec, ret, qb
vNum = Right(Format(Int(num), "000000000000"), 12) ' 取十二位整数
vDec = Right(Format(Int(num * 100 + 0.5), "00"), 2) ' 取小数点后两位并自动四舍五入
ret = Num2RMB(Left(vNum, 4), "亿", False)
If Len(ret) = 0 Then
ret = Num2RMB(Mid(vNum, 5, 4), "万", False)
ret = ret + Num2RMB(Mid(vNum, 5, 4), "万", True)
End If
If Len(ret) = 0 Then
ret = Num2RMB(Right(vNum, 4), "元", False)
ret = ret + Num2RMB(Right(vNum, 4), "元", True)
End If
If ret = "元" Then
ret = ""
qb = ""
qb = "xx"
End If
If vDec = "00" And qb <> "" Then '1.00
ret = ret + "整"
End If
If vDec = "00" And qb = "" Then '0.00
ret = "(无金额)"
End If
If Left(vDec, 1) <> "0" And Right(vDec, 1) = 0 And qb <> "" Then '1.20
ret = ret + Num2Char(Left(vDec, 1)) + "角整"
End If
If Left(vDec, 1) = "0" And Right(vDec, 1) <> 0 And qb <> "" Then '1.03
ret = ret + "零" + Num2Char(Right(vDec, 1)) + "分"
End If
If Left(vDec, 1) <> "0" And Right(vDec, 1) <> 0 And qb <> "" Then '1.23
ret = ret + Num2Char(Left(vDec, 1)) + "角" + Num2Char(Right(vDec, 1)) + "分"
End If
If Left(vDec, 1) <> "0" And Right(vDec, 1) = 0 And qb = "" Then '0.20
ret = Num2Char(Left(vDec, 1)) + "角整"
End If
If Left(vDec, 1) = "0" And Right(vDec, 1) <> 0 And qb = "" Then '0.03
ret = Num2Char(Right(vDec, 1)) + "分"
End If

If Left(vDec, 1) <> "0" And Right(vDec, 1) <> 0 And qb = "" Then '0.23
ret = Num2Char(Left(vDec, 1)) + "角" + Num2Char(Right(vDec, 1)) + "分"
End If
GetDXJE = ret
End Function

上一节 下一节

access-VBA编程 第八章 报表  【UMVsoft整理  2009/2/24】
access-VBA编程 第九章 VBA使用技巧1  【UMVsoft整理  2009/2/25】
access-VBA编程 第九章 VBA使用技巧2  【UMVsoft整理  2009/2/26】
access-VBA编程 第九章 VBA使用技巧3  【UMVsoft整理  2009/2/27】
access-VBA编程 第九章 VBA使用技巧4  【UMVsoft整理  2009/2/28】
access-VBA编程 第10章 安 全  【UMVsoft整理  2009/3/2】



