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时 间:2012-07-24 13:05:06
作 者:hjs   ID:4770  城市:泸州
摘 要:得到很多老师的帮助,觉得这个很好,基本原创,希望简化!
正 文:

'* 功能:限制输入的字符
'* 使用:if iszf(me!bh,wsa21,0,100,1,"内容",)=false exit sub
'* 说明:获取焦点字段,校验的内容,内容起始长度,内容结束长度,校验类别(1:混合,2:混合×;3:英文,4:英文和数字,5:数字长度,6:数字大小),提示内容)

Public Function Iszf(ctl As Control, ByVal strcode As String, ByVal strcodecda As Long, ByVal strcodecdb As Long, ByVal strCodelb As String, ByVal strCodets As String) As Boolean

Dim strTemp As String
Dim i, J As Integer
Dim cw As Boolean
strcode = Nz(strcode)

If strcode = "" Then
MsgBox "请输入[" & strCodets & "]!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
ElseIf strcode Like "*'*" Then
MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 内容含有非法字符[']!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
Call sFindStr(ctl, "'")
    Select Case strCodelb
    Case "1"
        If chkGb(strcode) > strcodecdb Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 内容长度不能大于" & strcodecdb / 2 & "字符!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        Iszf = True
        End If
    Case "2"
        If strcode Like "*×*" Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 内容含有需完善内容“×”!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        Call sFindStr(ctl, "×")
        ElseIf chkGb(strcode) > strcodecdb Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 内容长度不能大于" & strcodecdb / 2 & "字符!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        Iszf = True
        End If
    Case "3"

        For i = 1 To Len(strcode)
        strTemp = Mid(strcode, i, 1)
        J = Asc(strTemp)
        If (90 >= J And J >= 65) or (122 >= J And J >= 97) Then
            cw = True
            cw = False
        End If
        If cw = False Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 内容只能是英文字母!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        ElseIf Len(strcode) < strcodecda or Len(strcode) > strcodecdb Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 内容长度为" & strcodecda & "-" & strcodecdb & "个英文字符!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        Iszf = True
        End If
    Case "4"

        For i = 1 To Len(strcode)
        strTemp = Mid(strcode, i, 1)
        J = Asc(strTemp)
        If (90 >= J And J >= 65) or (122 >= J And J >= 97) or (57 >= J And J >= 48) Then
            cw = True
            cw = False
        End If
        If cw = False Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 内容只能是英文字母或数字!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        ElseIf Len(strcode) < strcodecda or Len(strcode) > strcodecdb Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 内容长度为" & strcodecda & "-" & strcodecdb & "个英文字符或数字!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        Iszf = True
        End If
    Case "5"
        If Not IsNumeric(strcode) Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 请输入阿拉伯数字!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        ElseIf Len(strcode) < strcodecda or Len(strcode) > strcodecdb Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 内容长度为" & strcodecda & "-" & strcodecdb & "个数字!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        Iszf = True
        End If
    Case "6"
        If Not IsNumeric(strcode) Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 请输入阿拉伯数字!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        ElseIf strcode < strcodecda or strcode > strcodecdb Then
        MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 数值为大于" & strcodecda & "小于" & strcodecdb & "的数字!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
        Iszf = True
        End If

    Case Else
    End Select
End If
If Not Iszf Then ctl.SetFocus
End Function

Public Function chkGb(strGB As String) As Integer
Dim ByteGB() As Byte
ByteGB = StrConv(strGB, vbFromUnicode)
chkGb = UBound(ByteGB) + 1
End Function

 'Call sFindStr(TxtStr, TxtFindStr)
Sub sFindStr(objTextBox As TextBox, strSearch As String)
    Dim intWhere As Integer
    With objTextBox
        intWhere = InStr(.Value, strSearch)
        If intWhere Then
           .SelStart = intWhere - 1
           .SelLength = Len(strSearch)
            'MsgBox "未找到你所查找的字符串!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "系统提示:"
        End If
    End With
End Sub

'短日期: 2010-11-18
'  使用: IF ISDRQ(ME!RQ,"日期")
Public Function IsDrq(ctl As Control, ByVal strCodets As String) As Boolean
Dim strcode As String
strcode = UCase(Trim(Nz(ctl)))
If Len(strcode) = 8 Then
strcode = Left(strcode, 4) & "-" & Mid(strcode, 5, 2) & "-" & Right(strcode, 2)
End If
If strcode = "" Then
MsgBox "请输入[" & strCodets & "]!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
ElseIf Len(strcode) <> 10 Then
MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 日期格式不正确!" & vbNewLine & "例:2008年10月2日输入:" & vbCrLf & "    20081002 或 2008-10-02!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
ElseIf Not IsDate(strcode) Then
MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 不是日期格式!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
IsDrq = True
ctl = Format(strcode, "yyyy-mm-dd")
End If
If Not IsDrq Then ctl.SetFocus
End Function

'长日期 2010-11-18 12:28
Public Function IsCrq(ctl As Control, ByVal strCodets As String) As Boolean
Dim strcode As String
strcode = UCase(Trim(Nz(ctl)))
If Len(strcode) = 12 Then
strcode = Left(strcode, 4) & "-" & Mid(strcode, 5, 2) & "-" & Mid(strcode, 7, 2) & " " & Mid(strcode, 9, 2) & ":" & Right(strcode, 2)
End If
If strcode = "" Then
MsgBox "请输入[" & strCodets & "]!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
ElseIf Len(strcode) <> 16 Then
MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 日期格式不正确!" & vbCrLf & "例:2008年10月2日15时5分输入:" & vbCrLf & "    200810021502 或 2008-10-02 15:02 !  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
ElseIf Not IsDate(strcode) Then
MsgBox "[" & strCodets & "] 不是日期格式!  ", 0 + 64, "提示"
IsCrq = True
ctl = Format(strcode, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn")
End If
If Not IsCrq Then ctl.SetFocus
End Function

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